Home » Termination What a shame… It is unfortunate that you want to terminate your Procountor contract. We would be happy to hear what has caused the situation, because we are constantly developing Procountor and our services based on our customers wishes and feedback. We very much hope that we can still find a solution and keep you as our customer. Would changing the package help? Our sales will help you find a more suitable package. Contact our sales Would training help? Our consultants are happy to go through the use of the program with you. Contact our consulting Can we fix the problem? We would love to hear what you find difficult and possibly find a solution with you. Give Feedback Termination We ask you to fill the termination form in Procountor that can be found in Management > Company info > Basic info. If you are unable to fill in the form in Procountor, please send notices of termination by email to hallinto@procountor.com. Required information in the email message includes the company name, business ID, the reason and date of termination and the start date of the period of notice. Termination period is 1 month, and the agreement ends at the end of the agreement period month. Instructions for termination